Mad as a March Hare

Or: My own personal crafting challenge.

My mum’s birthday in at the end of March and the day before that she is probably going to be gleefully told by some depressingly young doctor that they can’t find anything wrong with her innards and to go away. Anyway, my plan is to make her a pair of socks for her birthday in a vain attempt to help cheer her up.

green sock yarn macro close up

My own personal challenge will be to cast on for the socks on the 1st of March and to knit like the wind.

Oh, and I’ll be designing the socks too.

So, here’s an idea; would you like to join me a March crafting challenge? I thought that if you pick something to craft (sew, knit, crochet, electronics?) which you feel would be a challenge to complete in a month.

It will be an informal thing, but if enough people are interested, I could set up a blog so you can share your struggles and strife!

Anyone interested? Leave me a comment with suggestions or if you’d like to participate.

Thanks, Amy.

3 thoughts on “Mad as a March Hare

  1. I am SO in! I am designing mine, too, I just need to hurry up. ‘Cept mine is already cast on and somewhat started – but I didn’t start to think about the design until I got to the place I am, and then decided to put in a nice cable combo… you know how I am, all weirdly backwards on accidental purpose. It’s gonna be cool. Am I within the parameters of your specifications? =)*)


  2. Oh found the Madness!! Can I make my Easter things? They’re not going to be knitting. I am doing sewing and embroidery to start with!!!



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