You don’t call, you never write…

It’s almost as if you don’t love me anymore…

Oh, poor neglected blog.

What have I been doing?

MAhoosive munster-crochet blanket
Semi-secret sewing
and the only knitting I've done in about a month

Please note that they only way I managed to get photos was to use my Macbook’s built-in camera. Lazy Amy is lazy.

A quite note on personal stuff; I was doing really well health-wise and I managed to go into The Big City twice in a month (including meeting up with some of my imaginary internet friends) plus start sewing some stuff for The Thing. So of course I’d over done it (SURPRISE!) and had a dip in my health.  And then my paternal grandmother had another stroke and was admitted to hospital and to be honest I was preparing for the worst earlier in the week but she does seem to be doing very well. And then I had another attack of vertigo yesterday.

And that’s where I’m up to.

6 thoughts on “You don’t call, you never write…

  1. Good to know you’re not up to no good then. It is they way of things- feel well, do lots of things, feel unwell.
    Love the striped knitting and the monster crochet. The semi-secret sewing is intriguing. I have never sewed for a semi.


  2. The lazy is contagious. And the vertigo, which was bugging me on Monday. It’s so weird to be laying in bed and be dizzy at the same time. Anyway, all the projects make one feel curiouser and curiouser =)


  3. Hello imaginary internet friend! Was lovely to see you when you were able to be about. Hoping both vertigo and family issues recover/retreat before next weekend.



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